find and share experiences with educational institutions
Educaedu collects reviews from thousands of real students about the institutions where they studied
Jairo has reviewed Loma Linda University
Larry has reviewed California Polytechnic State University
Leo has reviewed Yale University
Jose Castro has reviewed White Plains Senior High School
Antonio has reviewed West High School
"exelente esuela mientras estuve hay fue la mejor experiencia de m ..."
Alicia has reviewed NBC News
"Por medio de visionado y ex0periencias de taller en la NBC he ap ..."
Jennifer has reviewed BYU -Brigham Young University
Roseli has reviewed FMU Francis Marion University
Andrea has reviewed University of Oregon
"I am about to start the course. I am expecting a lot because the ..."
Funde Armaef has reviewed NorCal Fitness Summit
"Entrenamiento personalizado, asesoría en programas de entrenamie ..."
Viv has reviewed Harvard University
George has reviewed California Institute of the Arts
Marílson Pedro dos Santos Pedro has reviewed Harvard University
"Evitar pragas e bactérias contaminação e qualquer outro tipo de i ..."
Tatty has reviewed Cambridge High School
"mi nivel básico"
Victor has reviewed Springfield Elementary School
"abusivo de recreos. quita plata & colacion (nelson)"
Hernán has reviewed Harvard University
"La oportunidad de intercambiar con compañeros de diferentes insti ..."
Anonymous has reviewed UAB University of Alabama at Birmingham
"un curso buenisimo un curso buenisimo un curso buenisimo un curso ..."
Carlos Humberto has reviewed Central College
"Muy bueno"
Hector Alfredo has reviewed Wesleyan University
"Un buen aporte a la temática desde la perspectiva del derecho co ..."
Marcelo David has reviewed Harvard University
"buena atencion y prestigio"
Luis Enrique has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"Es recomendable por facilidad de tiempo y costos educativos. El p ..."
Verónica has reviewed Albert Ellis Institute - New York
Camila has reviewed Harvard Business School
"me encanta harvad y la psicologia es buenisima ni se diga lov"
Yelenka has reviewed Cal Poly Pomona
"la calidad de la institución es excelente, ademas, tenemos un exc ..."
Odair has reviewed FTC Federal Trade Commission
"muito maravilhoso e muitos conteúdos para aproveitamentos crricul ..."
Monica has reviewed Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School
"Cultive mis habilidades y destrezas"
Selene has reviewed Harvard University
"este curso esta bueno porque te enseña como debe funcionar una or ..."
Yuuki Cross has reviewed Harvard Medical School
"Exento algunas materias"
Juan López has reviewed New York University
"Amplia capacitación, con excelentes profesores de todo el Mundo."
Pame has reviewed LSU - Universidad Estatal de Luisiana
"It has a limited amount of teachers and most of them have classes ..."
Mariluz Alzate has reviewed American Andragogy University
"es genial adquirir conocimiento sobre los cambios que vamos adqui ..."
Jay has reviewed William Howard Taft High School
Claudia has reviewed Abundant Life Christian School
"Opinion muy sobre salirnte segu n comentarios m gustaria sacar e ..."
Pau Acuña has reviewed Rolla High School
"A pesar que sólo tenía16 años recién cumplidos cuando me gradué, ..."
Alejandro has reviewed Johns Hopkins University
"This course explores the process of evaluating investigational va ..."
Cesar has reviewed OAS - Organization of American States
"Muy bueno, cubre mis expectativas."
john has reviewed Ashworth College
"been very pleased"
Ambar has reviewed La Salle University
"Los cursos me parecen buenos porque ayudan a mi educacion ."
Dr. Francisco Javier has reviewed American Heart Association
"Me instruyo y certifico como Resucitador a nivel Internacional"
Diego Mario has reviewed Stanford University
"Que la educacion es suficiente para destacar en diversas carreras"
Anali has reviewed Chaffey High School
"Hola amigos"
Jose Miguel has reviewed The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
"este curso es exelente para capacitarnos mas y mas de informacion ..."
Ale has reviewed The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Se vê bueno"
Miguel Ángel has reviewed Coursera
"Ayuda a reconocer los dolores del mercado para ofrecer servicios ..."
Javier has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"ingienero civil Es la oportunidad e tenemos las personas que tra ..."
Guedes has reviewed AIU - Atlantic International University
"Um dos melhores cursos."
REmy has reviewed Stanford University
"Muy bueno"
Laura has reviewed Nova Southeastern University
"Super interesante, interactivo y actualizado"
Familia has reviewed Pathway BYUIdaho
"tiene excelentes mater"
Al has reviewed Orange Coast College
"Orange Coast College is the best option you have when it comes to ..."
Educaedu helps you find reviews for universities, schools and other educational institutions around the world.